
The Legend of Sun Knight (LSK) is a light novel written by Yu Wo (御我), Taiwanese Writer.
Their Chinese name is 吾命騎士 (  wú mìng Qí shì ). Book cover illustrator is Ah Sha (亞砂). Now, this novel is ongoing in both Thailand and Taiwan.
The cover of The Legend of sun Knight 1 in Taiwan

The legend of the sun knight is the fantasy and comedy light novel. The story takes place in the world that people believe in god. There are many gods for people to believe. The power of each one is indicated by the number of people in their religion.

The popular one is the religion of the god of light. Because god cannot use their power directly to the world, so the gods transfer their power to their representatives. In the god of light case, the power is used by the holy knights, yes twelve of them.

the holy Sun Knight is the leader of twelve knights. He had to take the competition to be the sun knight. Once he become the holy sun knight, he knows that his true behavior is different from the behavior of the holy sun knight.

About the plot, the writer writes this story by using the 38th sun knight himself to describe the story. So the major part of the novel came from his view point. However in some additional chapters, the writer use other view to describe the story.  
The novel give readers funny and happy when reading. It is ongoing story and also have the comic avalible in Taiwan's book store. so let's enjoy reading!!
