The holy light knights
can be separate into two group : Hemich and Cold Blood

- The holy sun knight : Grecius Creus
merciful smile to everyone and do everything with elegance
- The storm knight : Ceo Tempest
His flirt eyes is for all women, yes he should be playboy.
- The Earth Knight : Georgo Tyron
He is the best friend of Creus, sincere and shy.
- The Wood Knight : Irmer Kerese
He is a good man, good archer.
- The Cloud Knight : Deimos Nephel
You can find him at library.
- The Blaze Knight : Jaqes Hephaetus
Impatient, He very worship Creus.
- The Judge Knight : Lance Termis
Who give the punishment to criminal and sinner.
forthright and chilly.
- The Ice Knight : Ichlan Izot
Poker-face and cold personality.
- The Moon Knight : Vaire Artemist
He is the man who full of arrogant !!
- The Metal Knight : Luca Egon
Speak with him will make your life shorter.
- The Stone Knight : Irves Armel
Attack his head with stone is easier than changing his mind ^^
- The Death Knight : Lauren Hades
The killer knight, He is mistery.
Other Characters (It may has some spoil)
- Patriarch : The leader of Hall of light - The highest power of Light religion
His real age is about 60 years old, but he use the special magic to keep
his face as 16 years old.
- Neo Creus: The 37th of Sun Knight
Grecius's teacher. He is excellent in sword. Now, after his retire, he worked as
mission's hunter with Iquest.
-Iquest the Dark Elf
Neo's partner. Dark elf is the fighter species, expert in dark magic.
Normally not present in the earth, live underground, hate the sunlight
and usually rude and cruel personality.
(but for Iquest.....he less cruel than both Creus)O_o
- Pinky the Necromancer
She is the necromancer under the light temple control. help Grecius
Creus in sending the devil, ghost, wraith or monsters to light temple.
???? sweet is her favourite.
- Lauren ( Before died or in Human form)
He was the one of Grecius competitor in holy knight examination.
Keen in sword, he is a serious person. Before his death, he used
to be the royal guard.